Electrified Postsunrise Ionospheric Perturbations at Millstone Hill

August 29, 2021

We provide evidence that midlatitude postsunrise traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) are comprised of electrified waves with an eastward propagation component. The post-sunrise gravity wave (GW) wind-induced dynamo action effectively generated periodic meridional polarization electric fields (PEFs), facilitating TID zonal propagation in a similar fashion as GW-driven neutral perturbations.

Zhang, S.-R.,  Erickson, P. J.,  Gasque, L. C.,  Aa, E.,  Rideout, W.,  Vierinen, J., et al. (2021).  Electrified postsunrise ionospheric perturbations at Millstone HillGeophysical Research Letters,  48, e2021GL095151. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL095151

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