JGR Special Section on St Patrick Days storms


February 19, 2016

We are soliciting manuscripts for the JGR-Space Special Section on the study of upper atmospheric disturbances and M-I-T coupling during the recent solar storms, in particular during  the 2015 and 2014 St Patrick Days. 

Title: Geospace system responses to the St. Patrick's Day storms in 2013 and 2015
Submission Window: March 1 - June 15, 2016

Geospace responses to solar and interplanetary disturbance induced geomagnetic storms via changes in electromagnetic fields, particle precipitation, plasma and neutral dynamics and energetics, are the fundamental components of space weather. Despite that major processes through which the coupled magnetosphere, ionosphere, thermosphere and mesosphere  (MITM) system responds to storms are generally known, a number of significant aspects of these responses remain challenging, including quantitative understanding of the processes, the feedback and nonlinear interaction effects within the MITM system, and the vast variability in the system responses themselves. Geomagnetic storms around 17-19 March in 2013 and 2015 (the St. Patrick’s Day intervals) provide a fresh opportunity to address these challenges while testing our current understanding of the storm-time MITM behavior with improved global observations and new modeling capability. In particular, comparative studies between these two storms are of great interest since they occurred at the same dates (season) but were of different intensities. Comparisons with other storms with similar upstream drivers are also valuable to fully understand the MITM system response to storms under different geophysical conditions. 

Organizers: S. Zhang (MIT Haystack), Y. Zhang(JHU-APL), W. Wang (NCAR HAO), O. Verkhoglyadova (JPL)