Journal special sections / Book

  • Nishimura, Y., Verkhoglyadova, O., Deng, Y., & Zhang, S.-R. (2021). Cross-Scale Coupling and Energy Transfer in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere  System (1st ed., pp. 1–566). Elsevier.
  • Shiokawa, K., Dasso, S., Miteva, R., Pallamraju, D., & Zhang, S.-R. (2021). Preface of the special issue: “Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact (VarSITI) Completion Symposium 2019 and the SCOSTEP 14th Quadrennial Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium (STP14).” Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 215.

JGR-Space Physics


JASTP Special Issues